

Watching:  Gossip Girl, still.  I'm about halfway through season five, finally!  Hopefully I'll be all caught up by the time season six airs live on the CW next month.  And tonight is the much-anticipated season premiere of Boardwalk Empire.  I'm itching to see what Mister Nucky Thompson is up to now.

Eating:  Tonight I'm making spiced cod cakes and scalloped corn for dinner.  I made the corn dish for Christmas dinner at Jason's parents' last year, but this will be a trial-run on the cod cakes.  Here's hoping they turn out edible!

Anticipating:  Some possible upcoming changes.  Lately I've been feeling sort of stuck in one place, paralyzed, immobile and frustrated with the inability to make things better for myself.  As cliche as it sounds, life really is way too short to waste time not doing what makes you happy.  I've got to make some changes before I end up in that awful place I was in a few years ago.  On a more chipper note, I'm also eagerly awaiting my favorite time of year, Fall, as well as my favorite holiday, Halloween.  I've been exploring costume options.  As of now, I'm thinking either a sailor girl, a fortune teller (complete with crystal ball) or Olive Oil.  We shall see what I decide on.

Reading:  I finished The Hunger Games trilogy and was planning on diving into the Fifty Shades of Grey obsession, but I temporarily changed my mind and started Sourland by one of my favorite writers, Joyce Carol Oates.  It's a beautiful collection of short stories about death and darkness, just what I need for a little perk-up, huh? 

I think I'm in love with today.  It hasn't stopped raining.  I can't remember the last time it rained this much.  There's no better feeling of comfort than being indoors with the one you love while it's rainy and chilly outside.  Hope you all are enjoying your day as well.  Love and more love.

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